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JK NMMS Scholarship 2024: Eligibility, Benefits, Selection and Application process


The JK NMMS Scholarship 2024, initiated by the Jammu and Kashmir state government, aims to provide financial support to class 8 students. This article outlines the eligibility criteria, selection process, and application details.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Students must be in class 8 in a Jammu and Kashmir school.

2. Minimum 55% in class 8 exams; SC/ST students may be exempted by 5%.

3. Must attend a government or government-aided school.

4. Family income should not exceed INR 3.5 lakh per year.


1. Selected students receive INR 12,000 annually for 4 years.

2. Financial aid directly transferred to the bank account.

3. Encourages focused studies without financial worries.

Selection Process:

1. Candidates selected based on meeting eligibility criteria.

2. Permanent citizens of Jammu and Kashmir studying in class 8 are eligible.

3. Minimum 55% marks in class 8 exams required.

4. Submission of application form before the specified deadline.

Application Process:

1. Download the application form from the official website

2. Use a blue or black ballpoint pen to fill in CAPITAL LETTERS.

3. Submit the filled-in form to the respective authorities before the deadline.

Important Dates and Contact Details:

Refer to the official website for application deadlines.

For inquiries, contact via Email ID: directoracad [AT]jkbose[Dot]co[Dot]in.


As we conclude, if you have any doubts or questions regarding the JK NMMS Scholarship 2024, feel free to submit a comment below. Visit for more updates. Your educational journey matters, and this scholarship is here to support it.