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Directorate of School Education Extends Winter Vacation For Schools

Meer Shabnum

Jammu, Jan 4 (KB): The Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) has announced an extension of the ongoing winter vacations for schools in the summer zone of Jammu division.

According to a new order issued by the DSEJ, the winter vacations which were originally scheduled to end on January 4 will now be extended until January 6. This decision has been taken due to the continuing cold wave and inclement weather conditions in the region.

The order issued by the DSEJ states that the extension is applicable to all government and private recognized schools in the summer zone of Jammu. It warns that any violations by school heads or staff will attract disciplinary action as per rules.

The winter vacations in the summer zone of Jammu division generally last for around two weeks in December–January every year. The vacations this year began on December 19.

The extension till January 6 will provide some more time for relaxation and recreation to students and teaching staff alike. The move is not expected to impact the academic calendar much.

Meanwhile, schools in the winter zone of Kashmir division have already reopened after the winter break on January 1. Educational institutions in the cold desert areas of Ladakh also reopened on the same day after observing over two months of vacations.–(Kashmir Bulletin)